Monday, May 23, 2011

Energize Me Baby

Ahhhhh spring is FINALLY found it's way up to the middle of ass-hat nowhere. There are leaves on the trees, the apple blossoms and lilacs have started blooming, and there are ADORABLE little red squirrel babies scampering away in the remains of what was a nice bbq until HE let it run down to nothing (he was good at that).

The best part? Besides the longer hours of daylight (which of course, I rarely see being relegated to the deepest depths of banality and head-shaking-mind-numbing-soul-searing-homicidal-rage-inducing-human-idiocy of the night shift), the warmth (my semi-permanent blanket toga? NO MORE BABY) and the signs of life? THUNDERSTORMS!!!!!!!!!!

I should preface by saying that I'm a big baby when it comes to bad weather. When I was little (6 or 7 probably), I used to watch Tornado Hunter and all kinds of scary weather shows (yet I wasn't allowed to watch Sailor Moon....) with enough intelligence to understand that these things were BAD but not enough understanding of geography and statistical probability to understand how small the chances were of something like a volcanic eruption or a level 5 tornado were in urban Toronto.

Just like being scared of the dark, the absence of anything bad happening, does little to actually quell the fear of what COULD happen, if the evilness and bogeyman and weather monsters of the world decided to get off their butts and make it happen. Not to mention I get horrible headaches from approaching storms, whether they actually happen or not. Every headache became a very ominous warning sign for me.

Not to mention being trapped in a big open field while a funnel cloud started slowly creeping down from the sky (luckily it sucked itself back up and went to destroy something even further north than us, but it was still scary as hell!) For years, the only praying I ever did, was for whatever force was up there, to keep the thunderstorms away from me. Especially when I couldn't go hide in mommy's bed.

After a particularly brutal thunderstorm my cousin and I sat through (It went from midnight until 6:30am) when we were maybe 11, and didn't die from, I started to appreciate them a bit more. Going off to university and being alone during some of them probably helped too.

We just had a fabulous one today and I realized, that not only am I not afraid anymore? I LOVE them. Even the cat was a bit staticky during this one. I feel energized and alive and free. It reminded me that I've been near death, survived it, and am just as kick ass as ever. It's power and nature and fabulousness that humans can never hope to duplicate (and don't argue, it's just never as good). It's like Cherry Blasters, Sour Patch Kids and Swedish Fish all got together and had a totally improbable child that tasted like every flavour of the rainbow but didn't have such annoyingly sad commercials of children with trees growing out of their stomachs and the most annoying woman who shows up in EVERY show that needs someone to be saccharinely bitchy.

Considering it's 4:41 am and I can still say that I'm raring to go and on top of the world? I must have needed this storm. Now if I only looked as hot as Halle Berry in a cape.........

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